SEVENTH GENERATION is a brand of environmentally friendly household products that really care for the environment and it is by this sentence that they derive their name:
“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.” – Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy
Seven generations may seem really really long and some people may not really even want to think that long – The present is the most important.
I think both might be equally important.
If our ancestors were not thinking of creating a better life for their children and their grandchildren, where would we be?
It is not too far to think. Maybe i’m just really optimistic, but i think people must take an open view to life, sometimes it is really difficult but if we let every single negative thought cloud us and restricts the dreams that we all started with.
We were made by our history, we are defined by our roots, culture and beginnings – whether we like it or not, whether it is subliminal or evident – we are what our history is. Rather – we are judged by what our history is. Where does discrimination stem from?
When we start something, when we have a good thought, when we help someone – don’t you feel really happy?
The cliche – it all starts with you – if you never try and not give in to initial negativity, you never know that what you’re doing and what you’re thinking is actually making a difference, regardless of how small and insignificant it seems.
Nobody is perfect definitely. I myself also always give into initial negativity. It’s really difficult to change.
I think the most important message is that never be afraid. Your actions define who you are – but who really cares – yourself. I care how i see myself, i care that when i lay down on my bed every night, i am not sorry for the actions and decisions i made. I try to live by these principles, i try.
Of course – the statement was found an environmentally friendly company and i think how important that is. Maybe it’s because of the way Singapore is. We never notice how pretty the sky is, how miraculous is it that the sun rises and sets without fail, how beautiful and breathtaking a vast blue sky looks like. I am always always amazed when i catch sight of these. I can’t imagine us not taking care of our environment and our future generations might not get to see the beautiful rainbows.
Trust me, i’m a freak, i can spend like forever just staring at a rainbow..haha
Fish will so totally vouch for my freakiness…
All right then.. enjoy a beautiful quote on a hopefully beautiful day!