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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 01, 2008


I just had a hair cut from the salon downstairs. It's called "Twelve Fingers" and its run by Koreans.


The hairdresser i got was really nice and friendly. This is the best place i ever went to get my hair cut. There were communication problems being that her english isn't too fluent, but it went well and i'm really quite happy with the results - so is fish. I have curls in the picture but that's temporary, it will be straight after i wash my hair.

It cost me $45 to cut - expensive by Singapore's standard, but i think its relatively worth it - they are very meticulous in their cutting - i was there for nearly 2 hours. I did a treatment which costs $50 - it's a very quick and simple one - they have an intensive one for $99 - but i decided on the normal one first since it was my first time there. Whether or not it is worth the money would be decided after i have washed my hair and see how it feels. Also i hope that my hair looks ok even after i have washed it.

Fish also shaved his hair which cost $18 - more expensive than Singapore's $8 but he said that his hairdresser was also meticulous and showed care towards how the hair looked rather than just shaving it down recklessly.

She also also gave me the complimentary curls and a small bottle "smoothing fluid". The products there are quite cool. This is it's description:

this bottle contains:
a whole bunch of waaaaaahhhhhhh, 36 long and misty glances from across the room, 28 neck cracking head turns, 2 solid job offers, 8 fancy a f@#k type suggestions.

It's called 'easy tiger'. As the tube says, it is a gift to those who want to stop blaming their genes for the erroneous ways of their hair. The brand is evo and their motto is 'saving ordinary humans from themselves'.

HaHa..very funky.

I will be cutting my hair from here from now on until the inevitable day i return to Singapore and never return.

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